Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Vampy's Top 10 Horror Movies on Horror Happenings syndicated column


Vampy's Top 10 Horror Movies on Horror Happenings syndicated column

Horror Happenings Examiner

Who or What is Vampy! ?

March 30, 12:13 PMHorror Happenings Examiner

Charles F. Rosenay aka Cryptmaster Chiller Chucky
"Vampy?" Vampy is a Goth/metal/trance musician/artist from the West Coast currently working with rocker Buzzy Linhart. The esteemed Mr. Linhart is producing new music from Vampy (sometimes know as "Vampy & The Dead Star band"). Through PR wiz Joe Viglione, we were able to get a list of Vampy's top ten horror movies. We haven't seen a Horror Happenings list yet that we weren't proud of, and Vampy's is no exception.

Here is a list of Vampy's Terrorble Top 10 Horror Movies

1) Nosferatu - I considered Chris Lee's Dracula; Nosferatu didn't talk, best watched at dawn.

2) Dracula/Dracula (1931) Double feature - Brown and Mexican versions

3) Frankenstein - Andy Warhol version

4) The Unknown - This list could have more Lon Cheney

5) The Hunger - has the most meaning to my life. Seems every four years another ex-girlfriend is carried up to the attic.

6) The Picture of Dorian Gray - In a shade of Dorian Gray I painted myself.

7) The Audlusion Dog - An image that stays forever - Un chien andalou (1929) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0020530/

8) Blood & Donuts - for those who know Vampire movies I recommend this

9) The Hand - This one wasn't my choice. It was the Hand's

10) The Blood Countess - Historically, right on.

Music aficionados should look into some of our articles on music & monsters.

You can check out all the Horror Happenings Terrorble Top 10 Lists here.

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